Can a girl ever really have too much tea in her life? I don't think so. I am not a coffee drinker and have always loved tea (Meijer brand jasmine green tea is my go-to in a rush), and I got more serious about loose leaf tea a few years ago. Now I'm a bit of a maniac. I was gifted some Teavana and their ingenious tea steeper a few years ago by my lovely roommates (Eureka shout out!). The aroma of the Maharaja Chai Oolong and Samurai Chai Mate blend relaxes the heck out of me and puts me in a very happy place.
My other tea obsession, Joseph Wesley Black Tea out of Detroit, makes me a proud Michigander. Joe is bringing knowledge and craft back to tea and the result is some amazing, pure, delicious drinking. I have and love the Darjeeling, Assam, and Keemun Congfu (sourced from India and China). The tea comes out light and flavorful, with wonderfully complex notes. The packaging and information provided with each tea is awesome - I love to learn about what I'm eating and drinking, and they make sure you are an informed consumer. Be sure to check out the beautiful website and blog and get yourself some goodies while you're there!
Current state of my kitchen cupboard. Clearly there's room for more tea.
As if I didn't have enough mugs (and bottles of wine, apparently), here are some more mugs I'm currently pining for. . . because Etsy is a dangerous place for me.